Tag: Cottage-core

  • House Projects With Little Kids

    Sometimes it can feel impossible to get anything done around the house when you’re a mom of clingy little ones, especially any sort of DIY house project. I’ve been able to get things done in my own home here and there by involving my kids and really, really lowering my expectations. When I was a… Read more

  • Building a New, Old-World Cottage We Love – Part 5

    Final Checklist Items In late February, it was time to move in! Actually, a few weeks earlier, I was having a very hard day and I texted Chris “I’ve decided we’re going to move on your February break.” At first he thought it was a joke, but I have never been more serious in my… Read more

  • Building a New, Old-World Cottage We Love – Part 4

    Building a New, Old-World Cottage We Love – Part 4

    Detail Work and a New Baby Chris started building the frame for our kitchen hearth extension that he designed, and poured a concrete slab on top (which was covered with more Brick-It thin bricks later on). For him, there was a lot of coming home from work, eating dinner, running to the building site, coming… Read more

  • Building a New, Old-World Cottage We Love – Part 3

    On July 6th, footers were poured. On the 16th, we had foundation walls. Framing began August 5th. We could have simply checked in once in a while, but the anticipation drew us back every time one little change or addition had been completed. We probably burned more fuel running to look at graded crushed stone… Read more

  • Building a New, Old-World Cottage We Love – Part 2

    Building a New, Old-World Cottage We Love – Part 2

    So just like that, our house was sold. Maybe I made it sound too easy- every step of the process was 50 phone calls, texts, emails, arranging things with the realtors and inspectors for selling a home and buying land, then figuring out first steps for building. I had to prep and paint our house… Read more

  • Building a New, Old-World Cottage We Love – Part 1

    Building a New, Old-World Cottage We Love – Part 1

    My husband Chris and I have always wanted to live in a cottage on a chunk of land. We are both very inspired by the past, so we wanted our house to look old, and we wanted our kids to be able to play outside as much as possible. We also didn’t have a ton… Read more